Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stick It!

O Stick,  troublesome Stick.  You stand tall in our soil-challenged ditch.  You are ugly.  There is no easy way to tell you that. 

You bestow your pink ribbon in pieces all over our yard and you are an obstruction for sun-baked homeowners trying to mow without mishap.

Maybe I am judging you too harshly. Perhaps you are just a marker; target practice for our gun-toting neighbors,  a place where digging may bring gold or other precious metals, or the actual burial place of Jimmy Hoffa.

You have had some shining moments. You broadcast the wind direction with great ease.  You are an ice-breaker for conversations with the neighbors.

You must be something special. Strange pickup trucks deposit round-bellied workers with low-riding jeans to honor your presence.

But Stick, I tire of you.  You are on your last days as a yard ornament.


Photo credit:  Reffie's ditch, surveyor stick that has been in place for about six weeks:  Reffie


Diane J. said...

I'd be frustrated with the stick, too. I was thinking property line marker, but I think those are rebar posts...well ours our rebar. It's a meeting place every couple of years the guys gather and run ropes between the markers. It must be some weird form of male bonding.

What is the stick for? Can you "accidentally" mulch it with the mower?

Unknown said...

I say, "Stick it!" Even if it means no longer being able to view the rolls of sexy fat spilling over the low-riding jeans of round bellied workers, not to mention the crack when they bend over to pay homage to Stick. I only want to see a half moon at night.

MrsBlogAlot said...

I don't even know the stick and I dislike it now on your behalf.

My new saying in fact is "you're such a stick".

Think it'll stick? said...

Stick it where the sun don't shine...
They just put up some sticks across the street from me. I wonder what that means? I feel like I've been marked for death.

ReformingGeek said...

@Diane J. - They had survey equipment out here awhile back but the stick seems to be in a weird spot. It's not at the edge of our property. Hum....maybe it's for a utility.

@Lauren - I don't want the guys to ring my doorbell asking about the stick...

@Mrsblogalot - It's confident that it is a stick. ;-)

@CatLady - Multiple sticks? That's a landing pad for the aliens. Sorry, Sweetie. You're in trouble. I'll send Evil Twin to help.

G.~ said...

Damn sticks. When I find that they have sneaked into my yard, I pull 'em out if they over stay their welcome. I know, I know, that's bad, but like you, I feel that the stick is just a bit too cocky and I don't like the company it keeps either.

Anonymous said...

I like Mrs. Blogalot's comment. You're such a stick!

hee hee

And I'm sorry this stick is torturing you.

Maybe you could place a skull on top of it.

Now THAT would be a conversation starter. hee hee

Leeuna said...

LOL at CatLady. I certainly hope you aren't marked for death. Perhaps Evil Twin put it there to bug you. Or maybe it's supposed to turn into a giant bean stalk.

meh. I'd throw it away. It's probably worthless.

meleah rebeccah said...

I don't even know the stick and I am annoyed for YOU!

Why is it there any way? And can you remove it?

ReformingGeek said...

@G.~ - Stick is on its last leg.

@Quirky - A skull? Brilliant. I'll get right on it. Wait. Do you have one handy?

@Leeuna - Bean stalk. Yes, that must be it!

@meleah - Thanks! I think it's a leftover from a survey. I was hoping they would come and get it.

Mike said...

Uh oh, looks like someone is gonna start digging soon! LOL

Jean Knee said...

you must take action, now!

Stick yout stick Assoc., North Texas Branch said...

don't you even think about sticking it to the stick

United Studies said...

I hope I never see one of those in my yard....I'd move it to a neighbors.

Unknown said...

I hope the stick takes a walk soon!

ReformingGeek said...

@otin - YIKES! I hope not!

@Jean - Right after my nap.

@Marvin - But why not? ;-)

@Jacki - Now that's a great idea!

@AmyLK - Any day now.

Bee said...

Pffft! You don't like it because you haven't thought to dress it up a little. Put some ribbons and glitter on it and you will find yourself going outside just to admire it!

JBSTUFF said...

Poor stick. They live on trees till the tree grows tired of it. Then we use them to start a fire with.I say break them and burn the all.

The Constant Complainer said...

Have some fun. Move the stick and see what happens...

Lindsey Buck said...

HA! Oh goodness this made me laugh. I never thought of said stick in such a way. I will be very entertained next time I come across one of those random flag things.

Anything Fits A Naked Man said...

Hmmm, Jimmy Hoffa? You may be onto something here. Just to be safe, whatever you do, DON'T start digging around that thing!!

ReformingGeek said...

@Bee - I'm searching my house for glitter. I'm sure I have a few hats I could use.

@JBSTUFF - Campfires. I'm on it.

@Constant - Oh my. Those round-bellied folks might ring my doorbell.

@Lindzena - New perspectives, Sweetie!

@Joan - Right. No digging. The ground is way to hard right now anyway....

The Old Silly said...

Good for you, Reffie - g'on'n get Unstuck! ;)

Unknown said...

Bastard stick. Should relocate it like they do with unwanted wolves and wildlife, surprise it, cage it, move it to another location far away where cannot find its way back!

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

That stick's a bad sign. Or maybe it's a weather stick, or a sundial. But probably it's a bad sign--a sign that it's about to get much harder to drive down your street and that you might be without water or electricity for longer than you want. Or maybe it's a sundial.

Unknown said...
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"1.00s, 1.50s, 1.75s for the short arms. If you know what I'm talking about, you're probably old, too."

"Boomer brain fog: What was the last, middle, and first part of what you just said to me?"